Sunday, May 27, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend at The Brook.

 I hope everyone is enjoying the Memorial Day Weekend at Hollow Brook.  We are really beginning to pick up momentum on the golf course maintenance, not just the green speeds :).  The is the second straight week where we applied a light coat of topdressing to the greens.  This is playing a big part in the smoothness and firmness of  putting surface.  Overall, the greens continue to respond to all our programs, and we're beginning to see and experience the benefits.  Our new "warm-up green at 1 tee box is taking shape.  We continue to topdress weekly, mowing height is at .145 inches. We'll continue to drop the height. as the green firms up and becomes smoother. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.  See you on course!  Chris

14 Green 5-26-18

9 Green 5-26-18
Topdressing New Warm-Up Green 1 Tee

Friday, May 18, 2018

Saturday, May 5, 2018

April Showers Bring May Flowers....

Finally, we're witnessing some normal temperatures and favorable weather for both golf and growing conditions.  We have been monitoring our root systems very closely over the last 3 weeks.  This is important as we head into the summer stretch.  I am VERY pleased with the progress we've made in our root depth and health.  Last October, we only had 2 inches of roots.  Not anymore!  We are now about 8 inches of healthy, vibrant white roots.  Greens are now being rolled Friday, Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting.  As plant health and weather continues, rolling will increase.  Pictures below illustrate our great roots.  Also, we our introducing a new warm-up putting area on #1 black tee.  We'll continue to mow and lower the height followed by routine light topdressing.  This area will be ready in 2 weeks.  This upcoming week, we are planning to begin our bunker maintenance program.   A light haircut followed by a nutrition insecticide application.  See you on the course! Chris

Green Roots 4/25/18

Green Roots 5/5/18

New Warm-up Putting Area 1 Tee

Hand Raking Greenside Bunkers

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Hollow Brook Golf Course Maintenance Clip Video

Attached below you’ll see a link for a golf course maintenance clip we put together discussing our putting green health, recovery from aeration and root development.  We will be putting these videos together throughout the entire season hitting all aspects of golf course maintenance. Enjoy! Chris

Happy Roots.......Happy Greens

What a difference one week makes as we head towards the month of May.  Even though the weather hasn't been so friendly with its cold mornings and occasional cold rain or sleet, our greens have stood the test.  I credit all of this to our improved root system underneath we're establishing. Although this is a work in progress, I am very pleased with the direction we are heading and the benefits we'll receive during the summer months.  We are getting close to our target mowing height of .125 (1/8").  We are now at .130.  Also, rolling greens will take place on Fridays and Sundays for the next couple weeks.  Once soil temperatures begin to climb, we will implement more greens rolling. Below are some pictures illustrating the roots, and the current maintenance activities going on over the weekend.  Now that the frost is gone, and the sun is out it looks to be a splendid day for golf.  Enjoy!  Chris

Roots At #1 Green

Greens Mowing .130 

Rolling Greens 4-22-18

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Greens Aeration Complete

Earlier this week we completed the Spring Greens Aeration Program.  We used a 1/2'' solid tine at 2 inch spacing on the greens reaching a depth of 5 inches.  Following the aeration we applied sand on 2 separate applications working each sand application into the holes with our broom equipment.  Filling the holes is very important and will pay dividends during the touch summer months.  Establishing solid sand channels at the top 1/3 of our greens profile will improve root structure, surface firmness and drainage.  Most importantly, the aeration and heavy sand will improve the overall playability of the putting surface.  Following the aeration we've  alternated rolling and mowing to improve the playability and recovery of our greens.  I have scheduled on Monday a foliar fertilizer application, "turf steroids" we like to refer them as, which will provided another jump start to recovery.  Overall, I am very pleased with how the operation went.  I am noticing immediate benefits with the roots and the overall stability of our greens.  A very good sign!  Enjoy the rest of the weekend.  As always stop me on the course if you have any questions or just to say hello.  Chris

Green Aeration 4-10-18

#11 Green After Sand Application 4-10-18

#4 Green 4-14-18

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Come On Spring......

Truly, this has been one of the most challenging startups for the upcoming golf season.  Gathering up any kind of momentum is difficult, but we continue to press forward.  Colder temperatures and snow this past week have really put a pause on any turf growth.  Fortunately, we still have some projects on the old bucket list to complete which has kept the maintenance crew busy.  It appears the temperatures will change for the better towards the middle of next week.  Lets hope.  Below are pictures of the projects completed this week including a lot of clearing and seeding.  Each of these areas were seeded with fine fescue with a mulch material applied to secure seed and promote quick germination.  We also installed new steps at the 5th tee complex.  This area has become eroded over the years, so the steps should be a big help.  Please be careful walking on the new steps.  We ordered non slip pads for each step scheduled for installation next week.  Also, please avoid walking on the new sod around the new steps.  Thank you!  See you on the course.  Chris

Clearing and Seeding left 1 green

More clearing and seeding left 1 green

Clearing Seeding Hole #3

Clearing Seeding Behind 2 Green

New Steps underway #5 Tees

New Steps Goin In #5 Tees

Steps #5 Tees Complete