Thursday, October 26, 2017

Nothing Wrong With A Good Edge On Things.....

The maintenance crew is at it again in full work mode on the course this week.   Now that the grass is beginning to slow down in growth, its allowing time for course projects.  The remainder of the season will be spent on alternating routine course maintenance with course projects and leaf cleanup.  On Tuesday, we began edging the bunkers.  This is a practice that should be done twice each year (Spring/Fall).  Our bunkers are beautiful, they should be defined by a crisp sharp edge at all times.  We also continued clearing along the brook running through the property.  Exposing this water feature will add such value to the golf course aesthetics.  Capturing views looking across 2,3,6,and 8 greens is unbelievable.  Enjoy the pictures below.

 Bunker Edging In Action

Finished Product

 Clearing Left Of 7 Tees

 Clearing Between 2 Green and 8 Green

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