Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Edging Continues At The Brook.

The crew is back at it edging our bunkers.  Although time consuming, this work will only highlight these wonderful bunkers that frame each hole throughout the property.  Also, edging the bunkers now will help us be further along  in the spring when we're busy getting the course ready for 2018 Opening.  I am hearing a lot of compliments on how "tidy" and "neat" the course is on a daily basis.   In case you haven't noticed, I dislike leaves on a golf course. My staff is making every effort to make your course enjoyable and playable while the leaves begin to fall.  Please enjoy the pictures below.  See you on the course! Chris

Bunker Edging

Finish Raking After Edging

Finish Raking

Foliage shot #4 & #6

Fall Shot #7

Looking Over Bunker #9

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