Friday, December 29, 2017

Winter Work Well Underway.......

Our winter staff is well into our winter work load as we head into 2018.   Over the last 4 weeks, the crew worked a majority of the time outdoors pruning/thinning up trees, and cutting back the property borders from heavy growth.  We also were able to start some of our planned inside carpentry projects which includes new benches, bag stands for driving range and garbage containers.  Hopefully everyone is staying warm during the brutal cold spell.  Before you know it, the mowers will be lined up ready to go and the sound of "Fore" will be echoing  through  The Brook.   See you in the spring! Chris

Pruning back around 16 tees
Clearing and cleaning left 10 green
Clearing and cleaning along brook 17/10
Pruning right 9 Tees

Water Houses Refurbished

New Range Bag Stands Being Constructed

Range Bag Stands Completed

Sanding Newly Constructed Benches

Bench Construction Completed, Staining Next

New Garbage Containers

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