Saturday, March 31, 2018

Welcome back everyone!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to Hollow Brook.  We at the golf course maintenance are geared up, batteries charged and ready to take the golf course maintenance to the next level.  I hope everyone enjoys all the course improvements we made this off season. Our crew did a lot of pruning/thinning throughout the golf course property.  Our main goal and purpose was to improve air flow and sunlight for the golf course.  However, course aesthetics will also be enhanced by this work.  We also added some new golf course accessories for the golf course.  We have new benches, garbage stations and  range tee accessories.  All this work was done "in house" by our winter staff.  Lets just say, we stayed busy this off season.  Now that the season has started, this blog will be updated more frequently. I also utilize Twitter frequently with course updates @cdsmithcgcs.  I look forward to seeing everyone on the course!  Please don't hesitate to stop me with a question, or to just say hello.  Please tip your cap to my staff, they are all working hard caring for your special golf course.  Below are some pictures from yesterday.  Take care, Chris

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